WhatsApp has lately submitted a brand new update thru the TestFlight Beta Program bringing the model up to for WhatsApp Business.
I constantly suggest to returned up your chat records earlier than updating to the brand new beta if there may be something wrong with the replace your messages are secure on iCloud and you may downgrade to the precedent version from TestFlight or App Store.
All features and changes listed in this article will be available in the next version on the App Store the 2.19.110 official update (except for the Dark Theme). These will be applied for the next WhatsApp Messenger beta too on TestFlight.
If you want to join the WhatsApp Business beta program on TestFlight you can consider to join my Discord Server, in order to receive push notifications when a beta access is available (if the beta program is currently closed), or check out my TestFlight page every day.
If you are curious to join other beta programs (including WhatsApp Messenger), you can visit my TestFlight page a great collection of a lot of beta links.
you can set labels to chat and messages. You can find Labels in the chat list section.
Finally WhatsApp has implemented the redecorate in the today’s WhatsApp Business beta for iOS.
When you open WhatsApp Business beta, you may right now notice some variations approximately cellular animations and icons.
When you test beta apps with TestFlight, Apple will collect and send crash logs, your private statistics which include call and email cope with, utilization records, and any feedback you post to the developer. Information that is emailed to the developer directly isn’t always shared with Apple. The developer is authorized to use this statistics simplest to improve their App and isn’t accepted to proportion it with a third birthday celebration. Apple can also use this facts to improve our services and products.