Kuch Pyar Ka Pagalpan is a 2011 Pakistani drama television series produced by Samina Humayun Saeed & Shahzad Nasib. Kuch Pyar Ka Pagalpan Drama cast features Fawad Khan, Sanam Baloch, Aisha Uqbah Malik, and Mikaal Zulfiqar in leading roles and many other supporting roles. The Drama was Directed by Haissam Hussain and Writer is Samira Fazal under the banner of Six Sigma Plus. Kuch Pyar Ka Pagalpan Drama Episode 1 air on 23rd September 2011, daily at 8:00 PM. The Drama Will be Broadcast on the Official Channel of ARY Digital.
- How many episodes of Kuch Pyar Ka Pagalpan Drama?
- Where to watch the Kuch Pyar Ka Pagalpan Pakistani Drama?