Khushbo Mein Basay Khat is a Pakistani drama television series produced by Momina Duraid. Khushbo Mein Basay Khat Drama cast Nadia Jamil, Adnan Siddiqui, and Kinza Hashmi, Wania Nadeem in leading roles and many other supporting roles. Khushbu Mein Base Khat Drama Directed by Saqib Khan and Writer is Amna Mufti under the banner of MD Production. Khushbo Mein Basay Khat Drama Episode 1 air on 28th November 2023 at 8:00 PM. The Drama Will be Broadcast on Official Channel on HUM TV.
- Where to watch Khushbo Mein Basay Khat?
- What is the release date of Khushbo Mein Basay Khat?
- Who is the cast of Khushbo Mein Basay Khat drama?
- Who is the writer of Khushbu Mein Base Khat drama?