Faryaad 2020 is a Pakistani drama television series produced by Humayun Saeed & Sana Shahnawaz. Faryaad Drama cast Zahid Ahmed, Adeel Chaudhry, Aiza Awan, Nawal Saeed, Saba Shah, and Zainab Qayyum in leading roles and many other supporting roles. The Drama Directed by Shahid Shafaat and Writer is Rehana Aftab under the banner of Six Sigma Plus, Next Level Entertainment. Faryaad Drama Episode 1 release date on 2nd December 2020, every Friday to Sunday at 7:00 pm. The Drama Will be Broadcast on the Official Channel on ARY Digital.
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- What is the release date of Faryaad?
- Where to watch the Faryaad Drama?