Teri Behissi 2021 is a Pakistani drama television series produced by Erfan Ghanchi. Teri Behissi Drama cast Agha Talal, Aijaz Aslam, Aiza Awan, Anum Tanveer, Bilal Qureshi, and Hina Dilpazeer in leading roles and many other supporting roles. The Drama Directed by Sami Sani and the Writer is Haniya Javed under the banner of Blue Eye Entertainment. Teri Behissi Drama Episode 1 release date on 17th May 2021, Daily at 7:00 PM. The Drama Will be Broadcast on the Official Channel on Har Pal Geo TV.
- What is the release date of Teri Behissi ?
- Where to watch the Teri Behissi Drama?