The announcement of Intermediate Result 2019 will be made in the month of August or September. Mostly the inter result of BISE Punjab generally declare in September while other boards announce the result in August. check online 12 class result check online wegreenkw will publish the result on its related pages right after the declaration of its result on the official site. To get the latest updates stay in touch with wegreenkw page. As wegreenkw is an educational website for the students of Pakistan as it is also providing various online provisions to the students. So all the result related to several educational board around the country can be checked at the links given above.The result of class 12th is going to be announce very soon all over the Pakistan by the all five educational boards. The annual exams of intermediate part-II of Punjab were commenced by BISE Punjab in the month of May while the boards of Sindh, conducted their inter part-II exams in the Month of April 2019. It is hereby also commenced that the result will be declare according to the conduction of exams. The boards who conducted their exams earlier are expected to declare their check online result in the month of August and BISE Punjab will announce the result of intermediate part II 2019 in September. All boards take two to three month in declaring the result. Still the confirm date is not revealed for intermediate result 2019, but as soon as the result date will be announce will upload the result to check online. Till the date of announcement of result stay connected with wegreenkw to get to know the result of all the boards link below check online results.Results will be updated soon.
Board of Secondary Education Karachi (BSEK)