Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday announced to form a high-powered inquiry commission to probe into the Rs24000 billion loans acquired in the last 10 years.
In his address to the nation, he said that the commission will comprise of officials from Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Intelligence Bureau (IB), Federal Investigation Authority (FIA), Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and other departments.
Imran Khan said that he himself will oversee the high-powered inquiry commission’s investigations.
“Do whatever you want to do, I will not spare you,” he said and added, “It doesn’t t matter if I die, will not spare these thieves.”
Lashing out at his rival, the prime minister said that they are not even ashamed of Pakistan’s current situation, adding that Leader of Opposition in National Assembly Shahbaz Sharif s son and son-in-law have run out of the country.
He said: “Former prime minister and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz and former president and Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari came to an agreement that each would rule for five years and “not say anything to each other”.
He said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) presented its first budget and that budget for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 will reflect the ideology of Naya Pakistan.
In his address to the nation, the prime minister said that Pakistan is going to become a great country as Naya Pakistan will be built on the principles of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
He said that the State of Madina was a model state, adding that the biggest pillar of the State of Madinah was that the ruler was accountable.
Regarding the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), he said that PTI didn’t appoint anti-graft watchdog chairman, adding that there is rule of law in the country as the judiciary and NAB is independent today.
“I can neither interfere in the matters of the judiciary nor in the matters of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB),” he said and added the NAB cases are old as I didn’t t start them. We were in power when Panama or the case against Shahbaz Sharif was started.
Imran Khan said first the opposition ruined the country through corruption and now they are making hue and cry.
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