Tau Dil Ka Kia Hua is a 2017 Pakistani drama television series produced by Sana Shahnawaz, Samina Humayun Saeed & Tariq Shah. Tau Dil Ka Kia Hua Drama cast features Ayeza Khan, Sami Khan, Zahid Ahmed, and Mansha Pasha in leading roles and many other supporting roles. The Drama was Directed by Shahid Shafaat and Writer is Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar under the banner of Next Level Productions. Tau Dil Ka Kia Hua Drama Episode 1 air on 2nd July 2017, every Sunday at 8:00 PM. The Drama Will be Broadcast on the Official Channel of Hum TV.
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- How many episodes of Tau Dil Ka Kia Hua Drama?
- Where to watch the Tau Dil Ka Kia Hua Pakistani Drama?