Shivanshu Mehta is an Indian actor. He was born in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. Shivanshu Mehta is best known for Akkad Bakkad Rafu Chakkar (2021), Sherni (2021), Ghubar (2024) and Apart, Shivanshu also will be a part of the new upcoming Indian movie Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha (2024).
The actor, Shivanshu has worked for several MNC’s initially before he started his journey being a Career Expert and an Actor. He has been instrumental in theatre since his college days but lost touch, He continued his passion for performing arts again in 2019 by joining Vivechna Rangamandal and got an opportunity for his debut in 2020 with Sherni followed Gullak Season 3 and several in post production.