The Upcoming K drama series Vigilante scheduled to premiere on Disney+ on 8th November. Vigilante kdrama written by Lee Min Seop, directed by Choi Jeong Yeol, and starring Nam Joo Hyuk, Yoo Ji Tae, Kim So Jin, and Lee Joon Hyuk.
Highly anticipated drama Based on a hit webtoon of the same title, “Vigilante” follows Kim Ji-yong, the son of a woman who was beaten to death, with the perpetrator receiving only a light sentence for the crime.
The poster catches the eye with Kim Ji-yong’s different half-faced faces that fill the field of view. The contrast between the left face, deeply covered with a black hood, and the right face, wearing a police uniform, shows the dual appearance of Ji-yong Kim, who is a model police student during the day, but becomes a vigilante at night and directly judges criminals who have escaped the law, creating a new world created by Ji-yong Kim. It adds to expectations for the appearance of a dark hero.
One face stained with blood stains and wounds and a somewhat cool look in his eyes show Vigilante’s ruthless will and faith toward criminals who have eluded the law.
The K-drama story of Nam Joo Hyuk as Kim Ji Yong. By day, Kim Ji Yong is a dedicated police academy student, upholding the law as a model of virtue. But by night, he transforms into a Vigilante, taking justice into his own hands and passing judgment on criminals who have evaded the clutches of the law.
Vigilante kdrama is an eight-episode series, with the first two episodes dropping 8th November on Wednesday.