New drama serial Mannat Murad episode 1 is starting on “Geo TV” from today Tuesday at 8:00 pm. The drama Written by Nadia Akhtar, while the charming cinematography of the serial has been directed by Syed Wajahat Hussain. The megastar cast of the drama includes Talha Chahoor, Iqra Aziz, Irsa Ghazal, Noorul Hassan, Tipu Sharif, Mizna Waqas, Ali Safina, Salma Baig, Parveen Akbar among others.
Iqra Aziz as Mannat and Talha as Murad, who do not tolerate sharing in their love, accept their wishes and how will producers Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi save this marriage from the bitterness of the in-laws? All these viewers will be able to watch the premiere mega episode of the mega drama serial Mannat Murad on Geo TV today 8 pm.
Mannat murad drama OST Sarmad Qadeer’s poetry, composition and voice in the song “Lal Suit” of the drama created a sensation, while in the second song “Dil Bara”, the poetry of Qamar Nashad, the composition of Naveed Nashad and the magical voice of Asim Azhar also created the downfalls in the story.