Hostel is a Pakistani drama television series produced by Everready Pictures. Hostel Drama cast Hina Altaf, Usama Khan, Hina Dilpazeer leading roles and many other supporting roles. The Drama Directed by Muhammad Iftikhar Usmani and Writer is Sajjad Haider Zaidi under the banner of Everready Pictures. Hostel Drama Episode 1 air on 1st May 2023 Monday – Tuesday at 8:00 PM. The Drama Will be Broadcast on Official Channel on Aan TV.
Hostel new Pakistani Drama story is about a girls’ hostel where girls from different cities come to get an education. The hostel has strict rules and regulations, the credit for which goes to the warden of the hostel, Shaista Naz. Maha is also among the girls who came here with the dream of success in her eyes. She faces Sehar and her group, who are notorious for their mischiefs. These same things will have an impact on their future life.