Between Greetings (인사하는 사이) is an upcoming South Korean Drama on SBS. Between Greetings Cast Han Ji-Min and Lee Joon-Hyuk in leading roles and many other supporting roles. The Korean Drama was directed by Ham Joon-Ho and written by Kim Ji-Eun. Between Greetings’ Release date in 2024, Friday at 22:10 (KST), and The Kdrama will have 10 episodes. Watch Greetings Episode 1 eng sub will be broadcast on the official network SBS.
Greetings Kdrama Also Known As Acquaintances, Secretary Male Lead, Company President (CEO) Female Lead, Aloof Female Lead, Single Father Male Lead, Warm Male Lead, Confident Female Lead, Bad/Wrong Tag, Warm Man/Cold Woman, Successful Female Lead, Clumsy Female Lead.