Pakistani famous actor Faysal Quraishi Upcoming drama Shikaar Teaser out now. Faysal Quraishi, Nazish Jehangir and Asad Siddiqui lead role this drama. Shikaar is written by Ehraaz Ali and directed by Abdul Ahad. The drama release date on 4th November 2023 Green TV Entertainment.
Faysal Quraishi is playing Bakhtawar Shah in the upcoming drama Shikaar and he is in a very unique role. His styling is very different and he will portray an intense character. Faysal Quraishi is also very versatile and he can simply hook the viewers with whatever he is portraying on the screens. He is coming back in yet another intense character on Green TV this time.
Shikaar drama story about which echoes with terror and tyranny of town’s thug: Bakhtawar. When light of love transforms into a savage obsession; dark consequences are born. Bakhtawar would flip the world upside down out of overprotective and intense love for his brother. Get ready to experience the bravado, conflict, rivalry and power politics of Shikaar.
Shikaar is released exclusively on Green TV Entertainment on 4th November 2023, and it has been speculated that the streaming platform will release all the episodes together.