Aye Musht-e-Khaak is a 2021 Pakistani drama television series produced by Abdullah Kadwani & Asad Qureshi. Aye Musht-e-Khaak Drama features cast Feroze Khan, Sana Javed, Asad Siddique, Shaood Alvi in leading roles and many other supporting roles. The Drama Directed by Ahesun Talish and Writer is Maha Malik under the banner of 7th Sky Entertainment. Aye Musht-e-Khaak Drama Episode 1 air on 13th December 2021 at 8:00 PM . The Drama Will be Broadcast on Official Channel on Har Pal Geo TV.
Mustajab is a charming young man who has a rational outlook towards life and believes in planning. His lack of belief in fate and his go-getter attitude makes him distinctive from those around him. On the other hand, Dua is a kind-hearted girl who has a firm belief in fate and predestination. Her strong values and morals make her confident and steadfast in her life decisions.