Bise Sargodha board matric results 2019, The authorities of Sargodha board announced the results. Bise Sargodha board annual exam conducts in the month of March and April and date sheet is announced one month earlier before the starting of the annual exams. Bise Sargodha board compiles the results in the duration of three months and finally the results is declared in the on 20th July 2019 at 10AM. So keep calm and visit the same page to get further updates. Students who were appeared in exams and now waiting for their results are advised to stay in touch with us to get all latest updates.
It has been confirmed that Sargodha Board Matric result 2019 is announced on 20th August 2019. Bise Sargodha board was created in 1968. There are large numbers of schools and colleges are affiliated with Sargodha board. Sargodha board has command over the four districts and these are Sargodha, Mainwali, Khushab, and bhakkar. There are many functions of the Sargodha board performing like registered all the regular and private students, declaration of admission, issuance of roll number slips all regular and private students, arrangement of the examination centers and declares the results in the given time table. Sargodha board conducts the annual exams in the supervision of the expert and experienced and super visionary staff. All the educational polices are managed by the ministry of education. Sargodha board takes assessment of the student’s ability every year and sent the papers to the qualified teachers.
SSC part 2 result 2019 will be published here on this web portal after its official announcement by the board and students can check their result easily. Stay in touch with us for all latest updates and for getting other education related stuff.The functions of BISE Sargodha includes registering students, issuing roll number slips, conducting exams and making fair results.
The board is offering these services to it affiliated areas as well which includes the district of Sargodha, Bhakkar, Minanwali and Khusab. The ministry of education handles all board matters. The current chairman of BISE Sargodha is Mr. Abdul Majeed. All students must stay in touch with website come to know the latest news of date sheet, results.