Raqs-e-Bismil is a Pakistani drama television series produced by Momina Duraid and Sahzia Wajahat. Raqs-e-Bismil Drama features cast Imran Ashraf, Sarah Khan, Anoushay Abbasi, Javeria Abbas, Momin Saqib, Mehmood Aslam in leading roles and many other supporting roles. The Drama Directed by Wajahat Rauf and Writer is Hashim Nadeem under the banner of MD Production. Raqs-e-Bismil Drama Episode 1 air on 25 December 2020 at 8:00 PM. The Drama Will be Broadcast on Official Channel on HUM TV.
- What is the story of Raqs-e-Bismil drama?
- How many episode of Raqs-e-Bismil drama?
- Where to watch the Raqs-e-Bismil drama?