Peter Pan and Wendy Movie 2023 is an upcoming American action adventure-comedy film based on Disney’s Peter Pan, Peter, and Wendy by J. M. Barrie. It’s Peter Pan and Wendy Movie stars Alexander Molony, Ever Anderson, Jude Law, Yara Shahidi, Joshua Pickering, and many others in supporting roles. The film directed and written by David Lowery, Produced by Jim Whitaker, and a production company by Walt Disney Pictures & Roth/Kirschenbaum Films. Peter Pan and Wendy movie release date in the United States is 28th April 2023 by Disney Plus.
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- What is the release date of Peter Pan and Wendy?
- Who are the actors in Peter Pan and Wendy?
- Is the movie Wendy based on Peter Pan?
- How old is Wendy in Pan?
- Where can I watch Peter Pan & Wendy?