New Upcoming K-Drama The Sand Flower confirmed release date on 20 December 2023. The highly anticipated drama starring Jang Dong Yoon and Lee Joo Myung, the K-drama also stars Lee Joo Seung, Yoon Jong Seok, Lee Jae Joon, Kim Bo Ra, Ahn Chang Hwan, and Jang Hee Jung, among others.
The Sand Flower story of a genius wrestler, Kim Baek Doo (Jang Dong Yoon), who is now thinking of quitting the sport. But his life takes a turn when he reunites with his first love, Oh Yoo Kyung (Lee Joo Myung). The Sand Flower will premiere on 20 December.
Korean actor Jang Dong Yoon takes on the role of Kim Baek Doo, a wrestler of the ssireum team for the Geosan County Office, which is on the brink of disbandment. Born as the youngest son of wrestling legend Kim Tae Baek (Choi Moo Sung), Baek Doo was called a prodigy. But now, he is an unknown athlete. His life takes a turning point when he crosses paths with his childhood friend, Oh Yoo Kyung.
Lee Joo Seung plays Cho Seok Hee, Kim Baek Doo’s best friend and a police officer.
Kim Bo Ra takes on the role of Joo Mi Ran, the mysterious café owner who suddenly appears in Geosan one day. Her straightforward personality and ability to see through people’s minds impress Kwak Jin Soo (Lee Jae Joon), Kim Baek Doo’s rival.