Lion no Kakurega (ライオンの隠れ家) is a 2024 Japanese Drama on TBS. Lion no Kakurega Japanese drama cast Yuya Yagira, Ryota Bando, Tasuku Sato, Saito Asuka lead role this drama and many other supporting roles. The Japanese Series Lion no Kakurega directed by Osamu Mukai & written by Toshio Tsuboi. Lion no Kakurega Japanese drama release date is October 2024, Friday at 22:00 (JST) on TBS. Watch Lion no Kakurega Episode 1 online will be broadcasted on the official network of TBS.
- Where to watch Lion no Kakurega?
- What is the release date of Lion no Kakurega Japanese Drama?
- Who will star in Lion no Kakurega?