Baby Baji is a Pakistani drama television series produced by Abdullah Seja. Baby Baji Drama cast Samina Ahmad, Saud Qasmi, Javeria Saud, Hassan Ahmed, Sunita Marshall, and Junaid Jamshed Niazi in leading roles and many other supporting roles. The Drama was Directed by Tehseen Khan and Writer is Mansoor Ahmed Khan under the banner of iDream Entertainment. Baby Baji Drama Episode 1 air on 23rd May 2023 at 7:00 PM. The Drama Will be Broadcast on Official Channel on ARY Digital.
Baby Baji drama lead cast of lead actor Tuba Anwar and Junaid Jamshed Niazi. In addition to the talented lead cast, the drama boasts a noteworthy supporting cast that brings important characters to life on screen. Notable performances come from acclaimed actors Saud Qasmi, Javeria Saud, Aina Asif, and Sunita Marshall. These skilled performers add depth and nuance to the story, making it a genuinely captivating viewing experience.
Baby Baji drama is an interesting story of Baby Aapa, who tries to keep her house together after her husband’s illness. She has four sons – two of them are married.