AIOU Workshops of B.Ed 1.5, 2.5 and 4 Years Programs Spring 2019 Semester will commence from 17 July 2019 at Regional Campus Quetta. Workshop Intimation Letters for participation in the workshops have been dispatched to the postal address of all the concerned students.
AIOU Workshop Schedule and particulars of students are uploaded on the website. If any student has not received the particular of his/her workshop so far, they are advised to download the required information from website as well as they may contact to our phone no. 081-2674398 during office hours.
The AIOU university is the world’s fourth-largest institution of higher learning, with an annual enrollment of 1,121,038 students, the majority are women and course enrollment of 3,305,948. Get all information about Admissions, Fee Structure, Courses, Programs and Merit lists of all BS and MS/M.PHIL